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Service Subscriptions

Service Subscriptions represent the fundamental business model that dictates the specific service to which a customer gains access. These subscriptions are intricately linked with a service package, delineating the range of offerings available to customers upon subscription.

Within Service Subscriptions, you have the ability to customize various aspects of the service, including the service name, description, and the designated service provider responsible for service delivery. Additionally, you can specify the subscription features and quotas that become available to customers upon subscribing to the service.

By leveraging Service Subscriptions, you can tailor the customer experience to meet their unique needs and preferences. Whether it's defining the service details or outlining subscription features and quotas, Service Subscriptions provide the flexibility needed to create personalized offerings for your customer base.

Subscription Properties

Subscription Properties play a crucial role in defining the service that customers will have access to. These properties encompass various aspects of the subscription, shaping the customer's experience and determining the features and resources available to them. Below, we outline the key properties that can be defined for a subscription.

Subscription Attributes

Below are the attributes that can be defined for a subscription:

objectObject type.stringServicePackageSubscription
idSubscription ID.stringpEGXxmeyPkq25wlM
uuidSubscription UUID.stringd9f1c0a0-9b1a-4c7b-9b1a-4c7b-9b1a-4c7b
tagSubscription tag.string86x5wyg8
nameSubscription name.stringMy Subscription
descriptionSubscription description.stringMy Subscription Description
package_idService package ID.stringpEGXxmeyPkq25wlM
subscriber_idCustomer ID that owns the subscription.stringpEGXxmeyPkq25wlM
service_typeThe type of service offered in subscription. inherited from Service Package.stringmeet
statusThe subscription status represents the current state of the subscription.stringactive
is_activeIndicates whether the subscription is active. Not related with statusbooltrue
starts_atSubscription start date. Reset on every periodicitystring2021-01-01T00:00:00Z
ends_atSubscription end date.string2021-12-31T23:59:59Z
cancels_atSubscription cancel date.string2021-12-31T23:59:59Z
canceled_atSubscription cancellation date.string2021-12-31T23:59:59Z
trial_periodSubscription trial period.number7
trial_intervalSubscription trial interval.stringday
trial_ends_atSubscription trial end date.string2021-12-31T23:59:59Z
grace_periodSubscription grace period.number7
grace_intervalSubscription grace interval.stringday
periodicitySubscription periodicity.number1
periodicity_typeSubscription periodicity interval.stringmonth
tierSubscription tier.stringbasic
priceSubscription price.number10.00
currencySubscription currency.stringUSD
created_atSubscription creation date.string2021-01-01T00:00:00Z
updated_atSubscription last update date.string2021-01-01T00:00:00Z


The object type represents the type of the object. For a subscription, the object type is ServicePackageSubscription.


The subscription ID is a unique identifier for the subscription.


The subscription UUID is a unique identifier for the subscription.


The subscription ULID is a unique identifier for the subscription.


The subscription tag is a unique identifier for the subscription.


The subscription name is the name of the subscription.


The subscription description is the description of the subscription.

Package ID

The service package ID is the ID of the service package that the subscription is based on.

Subscriber ID

The subscriber ID is the ID of the customer that owns the subscription.

Service Type

The service type is the type of service offered in the subscription. The service type is inherited from the service package.


The subscription status represents the current state of the subscription. The status can be:

  • active: The subscription is active and the customer can use the service.
  • inactive: The subscription is inactive and the customer cannot use the service.
  • canceled: The subscription is canceled and the customer cannot use the service.
  • suspended: The subscription is suspended and the customer cannot use the service.
  • terminated: The subscription is terminated and the customer cannot use the service.

Is Active

The is_active attribute indicates whether the subscription is active. This attribute is not related with the status attribute, and is automatically updated by the system based on the subscription expiration cycle.

Starts At

The subscription start date is the date when the subscription starts. The start date is reset on every periodicity.

Ends At

The subscription end date is the date when the subscription ends.

Cancels At

The subscription cancel date is the date when the subscription will be canceled.

Canceled At

The subscription cancellation date is the date when the subscription was canceled.

Trial Period

The subscription trial period is the number of cycles of an interval that the customer can use the service for free.


To learn more about the trial period, see Service Package Trial Period.

Trial Interval

The subscription trial interval is the interval of the trial period. The interval can be day, week, month, or year.

Trial Ends At

The subscription trial end date is the date when the trial period ends.

Grace Period

The subscription grace period is the number of cycles of an interval that the customer can use the service after the subscription ends.


To learn more about the grace period, see Service Package Grace Period.

Grace Interval

The subscription grace interval is the interval of the grace period. The interval can be day, week, month, or year.


The subscription periodicity is the number of intervals that the subscription will be renewed.


To learn more about the periodicity, see Service Package Periodicity.

Periodicity Type

The subscription periodicity interval is the interval of the periodicity. The interval can be day, week, month, or year.


The use of tier is optional. Usually a tier is a "level" of subscription.


The way it's thought is:

You have 3 plans: Basic, Intermediate and Pro. How do you now which is better than the other? You can look at the price.

But... what if there is a promo during some time and the price of Intermediate is lower now than Basic will be next month when there is no promo? When you change the subscription plan from your promo Intermediate to Basic normally would be a downgrade, but now prices are reversed and action is an upgrade. Weird, huh?

What if you customize your user subscription, and now it is somewhere in the middle between Intermediate and Pro? You can change the tier to a number in between, so you know what to do when changing (downgrading) to existing Intermediate or upgrading to Pro.


The subscription price is the price that the customer will pay for the subscription.


The subscription currency is the currency that the customer will pay for the subscription.

Created At

The subscription creation date is the date when the subscription was created.

Updated At

The subscription last update date is the date when the subscription was last updated.

Subscription Metadata

The subscription_metadata is a set of key-value pairs that can be attached to a subscription. This can be useful for storing additional information or third-party data, such as a subscription ID from a billing system or CRM system.

You may store any scalar value (string, integer, float, boolean, etc.) inside the metadata attribute. In addition, one level of nested objects or arrays are allowed.


Since the subscription_metadata attribute is simply a key-value store (object), all write operations will overwrite the entire object, so be sure to merge existing data on your end when performing updates.

Subscription Features

Subscription Features encompass the various functionalities available to customers upon subscribing to a service.

Each subscription may include multiple features, representing different resources to which the customer gains access. Upon creating a new subscription, all features associated with the related Service Package are automatically included, complete with their respective limits and quotas.

In addition to the automatically included features, it's possible to manually add more features to a subscription. This functionality proves valuable when specific features not initially included in the service package are required.

Subscription Features offer a flexible means of managing the features available to customers upon subscription to a service, ensuring tailored offerings to meet their needs.


For more information about Service Package Features, see Service Package Features.

Please refer to Subscription Features Management for more information.

Subscription Service Providers

Subscriptions can be associated with Service Providers, which represent the providers available to customers for delivering the service associated with the subscription.

When creating a new subscription, a default provider is automatically assigned based on the default provider of the service package. However, administrators have the option to include additional service providers.

While it's possible to have multiple service providers associated with a subscription, only one provider can serve as the default. This allows administrators to customize subscriptions to use specific providers or change the default provider as needed.

For example, if a customer experiences poor performance with their current provider due to high usage, administrators can add a new provider to the subscription and set it as the default. This can be a temporary solution until the customer's usage decreases, and they return to the original provider.

When a service provider is associated with a subscription, data such as provider access credentials, settings, and metadata are not duplicated. This allows for easy updating of provider credentials without impacting all subscriptions that use the provider.

Subscription Service Providers offer a flexible way to manage the providers available to customers for delivering the service associated with their subscription.


For more information on managing Subscription Service Providers, please refer to the Subscription Service Providers Management section.

Subscription Limits and Quotas

Subscriptions are governed by limits and quotas that determine the maximum utilization of resources available within the subscription. These limits and quotas are established based on the features included in the subscription, with each feature having its own defined limit and quota for customer usage.

While these limits are primarily derived from Service Package Features, they can be customized on a per-subscription basis. For instance, while a service package may include a feature named max_rooms with a limit of 10 rooms, a specific subscription can be configured to have a max_rooms feature with a limit of 20 rooms.

For guidance on managing limits and quotas for a subscription, please refer to the Subscription Features section. Additionally, consult the Service Package Features documentation for comprehensive information on feature configuration and management.

Subscription Management

Platform administrators can manage subscriptions through the API. The following operations are available:

api reference

For more information about Subscription API, see the API Reference.

Create a Subscription

To create a new subscription, you need to use the API endpoint POST /subscriptions. When creating a new subscription, you need to specify the service package that the subscription will be based on, the customer that will own the subscription, and optionally you can personalize some subscription attributes like the name, description, price, renew period, and others.

An example of a request with the minimum required attributes to create a subscription:

"package_id": "ap4Ay1noRevqJDx7",
"subscriber_id": "gAGqOrnN9ye3o5N2"

Optionally, you can personalize the subscription attributes like the name, description, price, renew period, and others:

"package_id": "ap4Ay1noRevqJDx7",
"subscriber_id": "gAGqOrnN9ye3o5N2",
"name": "My Subscription Name",
"description": "My Subscription Description",
"price": 10.00,
"currency": "USD",
"periodicity": 1,
"periodicity_type": "month",
"trial_period": 7,
"trial_interval": "day",
"grace_period": 7,
"grace_interval": "day"

To see the available attributes that can be used to create a subscription, see the Create Subscription API Reference.

subscription features

When creating a new subscription, all features present on the service package will be automatically added to the subscription, with their limits and quotas. If you need to add more features to the subscription, please refer to Subscription Features.

When a subscription is created, the subscription object will be returned with the new values in the response.

Example of a response after successfully created a subscription:

"data": {
"object": "ServicePackageSubscription",
"id": "0Z8NJOeVbev1zp6r",
"uuid": "b7cecfb2-2bf4-4628-91e1-18dea2fd40bc",
"ulid": "01hnraj6rzn4rxsxt0tv9p4yrj",
"tag": "jkgqmnmj",
"name": "Subscription Streaming Plus #1 - jkgqmnmj #14",
"package_id": "ap4Ay1noRevqJDx7",
"subscriber_id": "gAGqOrnN9ye3o5N2",
"service_type": "meet",
"status": "active",
"is_active": true,
"starts_at": "2024-02-03T20:29:07.000000Z",
"ends_at": "2024-03-03T20:29:07.000000Z",
"cancels_at": null,
"canceled_at": null,
"trial_period": 0,
"trial_interval": "day",
"trial_ends_at": null,
"grace_period": 0,
"grace_interval": "day",
"periodicity": 6,
"periodicity_type": "month",
"tier": 0,
"price": 14.99,
"currency": "BRL",
"description": "",
"created_at": "2024-02-03T20:29:07.000000Z",
"updated_at": "2024-02-03T20:29:07.000000Z",
"readable_created_at": "há 1 segundo",
"readable_updated_at": "há 1 segundo",
"meta": {
"include": [
"custom": []

Update a Subscription

After a subscription is created, it is possible change many aspects of subscription, like the name, description, and the service provider that will be used to provide the service. You can also define the subscription features and quotas that will be available when a customer subscribe to the service.

To update a subscription, you need to use the API endpoint PATCH /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}.

Example of a request to update a subscription:

"name": "My New Subscription Name",
"description": "My New Subscription Description",
"price": 20.00,
"currency": "BRL"

After successfully updated a subscription, the subscription object will be returned with the new values in the response.

api reference

For more information about the available attributes that can be updated, see the Subscription API Reference.

Delete a Subscription

To delete a subscription, you need to use the API endpoint DELETE /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}. When deleting a subscription, all related resources will be deleted, including accounts, rooms (and any data related to room) and any other data related to the subscription. This operation is irreversible.


To prevent accidental deletion, only subscriptions with status inactive can be deleted.

Subscriptions List

Subscriptions can be listed by administrators with the right permissions. To list subscriptions, you need to use the API endpoint GET /subscriptions. You can use query parameters to filter the results and limited the number of results returned by pagination.


refere to subscription attributes table to see the available attributes that can be returned.

Subscription Details

To get the details of a subscription, you need to use the API endpoint GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}.


refere to subscription attributes table to see the available attributes that can be returned.

Subscription Usage

Subscription usage is the usage of the resources available in a subscription (a.k.a. Subscription Features). The usage information will be attached to the feature that is being used, each time a resource is used or deleted, the usage information will be updated.

To get the usage of a subscription, you need to use the API endpoint GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/usage.

Example of a subscription usage:

"data": [
"object": "ServicePackageSubscriptionFeature",
"id": "5AX2POnRVnym4Yq8",
"service_subscription_id": "5AX2POnRVnym4Yq8",
"service_feature_id": "5AX2POnRVnym4Yq8",
"tag": "max_accounts",
"name": "Accounts",
"description": "Maximum number of allowed accounts",
"value": "10",
"resettable_period": 0,
"resettable_interval": "month",
"sort_order": 0,
"created_at": "2023-09-08T21:13:11.000000Z",
"updated_at": "2023-09-08T21:13:11.000000Z",
"readable_created_at": "3 hours ago",
"readable_updated_at": "3 hours ago",
"usage": {
"data": {
"id": "5AX2POnRVnym4Yq8",
"plan_subscription_feature_id": "5AX2POnRVnym4Yq8",
"subscription_feature_tag": "max_accounts",
"used": 1,
"valid_until": null,
"created_at": "2023-09-08T23:58:49.000000Z",
"updated_at": "2023-09-08T23:58:49.000000Z",
"readable_created_at": "14 minutes ago",
"readable_updated_at": "14 minutes ago"

In the example above, the subscription has a feature called Accounts with a tag max_accounts. The usage of this feature is 1, which means that the customer has 1 account created. The value of the feature is 10, which means that the customer can create up to 10 accounts. When the customer creates a new account, the usage will be updated to 2. When the customer deletes an account, the usage will be updated to 1.


Subscription usage do not record historical data, only the current usage is available. If you need to record historical data, you need to implement your own solution.

Subscription Features

Subscription features are the features that are available to the customer when they subscribe to a service. When a new subscription is created, all features present on related Service Package are automatically added to the subscription, with their limits and quotas.

To get the features of a subscription, you need to use the API endpoint GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/features.

Add Feature to a Subscription

Besides the features that are automatically added to the subscription when it is created, you can add more features to the subscription. This can be useful when you need a customer to have access to a specific feature that is not available on the service package.

To add a feature to a subscription, you need to use the API endpoint POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/features.

Example of a request to add a feature to a subscription:

// POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/features
"service_feature_code": "max_rooms", // service feature code
"value": 10 // required, the value of the feature

After successfully added a new feature to a subscription, the feature object will be returned:

"data": {
"object": "ServicePackageSubscriptionFeature",
"id": "16YRQJK7Bn2Z3ME7",
"subscription_id": "Nba1rYkOBKVXzmx7",
"package_feature_id": null,
"tag": "screen_sharing",
"name": "Screen Sharing",
"description": "Screen Sharing capability when available",
"value": "true",
"resettable_period": 0,
"resettable_interval": "month",
"sort_order": null,
"created_at": "2024-02-01T20:48:44.000000Z",
"updated_at": "2024-02-01T20:48:44.000000Z",
"readable_created_at": "há 1 segundo",
"readable_updated_at": "há 1 segundo"
"meta": {
"include": [
"custom": []

Update Feature on a Subscription

During the subscription lifecycle, it is possible to update the features of a subscription at any time. This updates will be reflected only on the subscription, not on the service package or the feature itself. For example, after create a subscription that has a feature inherited from the service package, you can update the feature value to match the customer needs.

To update a feature on a subscription, you need to use the API endpoint PATCH /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/features/{featureId}.

Example of update a feature value on subscription:

"value": 20 // the new value of the feature
not available

This feature is not available yet.

Remove Feature from a Subscription

Subscriptions can have your characteristics changed during your existence. If needed, you can remove a feature from a subscription at any time.

To remove a feature from a subscription, you need to use the API endpoint DELETE /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/features/{featureId}.

feature usage data

When removing a feature from a subscription, the usage of the feature will be removed as well. If you need to keep the usage of the feature, you need to retrieve the values before removing the feature.

not available

This feature is not available yet.

Sync Features for a Subscription

Subscriptions will inherit the features of the service package when created. If the features of the service package are updated, the features of the subscription will not be updated automatically.

Its is possible to sync the features of a subscription with the features of the service package. With this operation, all features of subscription will be updated to match the features and your quotas of the service package. If subscription has features that are not present on the service package (custom features), they will be removed.

To sync the features of a subscription with the features of the service package, you need to use the API endpoint POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/features/sync.

Example of a request to sync the features of a subscription:

"sync": true // required

After sync, the subscription object will be returned with new features in the response.

// example

When syncing the features of a subscription, all features that are not present on the service package will be removed from the subscription.

not available

The feature sync operation is not available yet.

Subscription Service Providers

Subscriptions can have multiple service providers, each one representing a different provider that the customer can use to provide the service for the given subscription. After a subscription is created, it is possible include additional service providers.

provider type

The service provider type needs to be the same of the subscription. For example, if the subscription is for a meet service, the service provider type needs to be meet as well.


Subscriptions without a service provider cannot be used by the customer. If you need to use a subscription, you need to add at least one service provider to it.

Add Service Provider to a Subscription

To add a service package to a subscription, you need first attach the desired provider to the respective service package.

service package providers only

At the moment, only providers that are attached to the service package can be added to the subscription. If you need to add a new provider to the subscription, you need to attach it to the service package first.

To add a service provider to a subscription, you need to use the API endpoint POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers.

Example of a request to add a service provider to a subscription:

"package_provider_id": "Nba1rYkOBKVXzmx7",
"active": true,
"default": true,
"metadata": {
"external_key": "my-external-key-123"

After successfully added a new service provider to a subscription, the provider object will be returned:

"data": {
"object": "ServicePackageProvider",
"id": "vx2jP7nYLeElOyLd",
"uuid": "f3cfd3d0-6237-446d-b16d-5854c69d3e7a",
"ulid": "01hnkbvsmcbz0px5p19mhxq65w",
"active": true,
"default": true,
"service_provider_id": "Nba1rYkOBKVXzmx7",
"service_provider_name": "Scalelite #cloudainer",
"service_provider_type": "scalelite",
"package_id": "ap4Ay1noRevqJDx7",
"settings": [],
"metadata": {
"external_id": "ES9407524001850200800069"
"created_at": "2024-02-01T22:15:37.000000Z",
"updated_at": "2024-02-01T22:15:37.000000Z",
"readable_created_at": "há 1 segundo",
"readable_updated_at": "há 1 segundo"
"meta": {
"include": [],
"custom": []
default provider

When adding a new provider to a subscription, you can set the default attribute as true to make it the default provider for the subscription. This will make the actual default provider to be set as false.

Update Service Provider on a Subscription

Its is possible to update the service provider of a subscription at any time, including settings and metadata. This updates will be reflected only on the provider subscription, not on the service package or the provider itself.

For example, after create a subscription that has a provider inherited from the service package, you can update the provider settings and metadata to match the customer needs. Or deactivate the provider to prevent the customer from using it, per example.

To update a service provider on a subscription, you need to use the API endpoint PATCH /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/{providerId}.

Example of a request to update a service provider on a subscription:

"active": false,
"metadata": {
"external_key": "new-key"

After successfully updated a service provider on a subscription, the provider object will be returned.

Remove Service Provider from a Subscription

On subscription lifecycle, it is possible to remove a service provider from a subscription at any time. To remove a provider you need to some steps to ensure that the provider is not being used by the customer.

First, you need to specify another provider as default if the provider that you want to remove is the default provider. After that, you need deactivate the provider to prevent the customer from using it. After the provider is deactivated, you can remove it from the subscription.

To remove a service provider from a subscription, you need to use the API endpoint DELETE /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/{providerId}.

data loss prevention

To prevent data loss, only inactive providers can be removed from the subscription. If you need to remove an active provider, you need to set it as inactive first.

Subscription Renewal

After the validity period and the grace period, if any, the subscription will be considered expired. When a subscription is expired, no action will be allowed by the customer on the subscription as well as on all resources linked to it.

An expired subscription will be determined based on the value of the ends_at and cancels_at attribute. If the value of one of these attributes is less than the current date, the subscription is considered expired. When a subscription expires, the is_active attribute will be updated to false and the status attribute will be updated to suspended.


The status and is_active attributes are independent of each other, but indicate the same state of the subscription. The status attribute can be manually updated by the administrator and has a wide scope, while the is_active attribute is automatically updated by the system and has a direct relationship with the subscription expiration cycle.

To renew a subscription, you need to use the API endpoint POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/renew.

Example of a request to renew a subscription:

"renew": true, // required
"cycles": 1, // multiple the periodicity by the number of cycles to renew
"uncancel": true // optional, uncancel the subscription if it is canceled

After success renewal, the subscription object will be returned with the new status and renewal dates:

"data": {
"object": "ServicePackageSubscription",
"id": "pEGXxmeyPkq25wlM",
"uuid": "9aa9a225-25b4-41ab-a740-8fd8109e3673",
"ulid": "01hfqv74jc3dv1ktbmxkss6y7m",
"tag": "86x5wyg8",
"name": "Streaming Plus #1 - 86x5wyg8 #1",
"package_id": "ap4Ay1noRevqJDx7",
"subscriber_id": "gAGqOrnN9ye3o5N2",
"service_type": "meet",
"status": "active",
"is_active": true,
"starts_at": "2023-11-21T02:26:44.000000Z",
"ends_at": "2023-12-21T02:26:44.000000Z",
"cancels_at": null,
"canceled_at": null
// ...

Canceled subscriptions cannot be renewed. If you want to renew a canceled subscription, you need to uncancel it first or send the uncancel attribute as true on body payload.

Subscription Cancellation

When a subscription is canceled, the customer will not be able to use the service anymore. The subscription will be marked as status canceled and the canceled_at attribute will be updated with the date when subscription was canceled. By default, the subscription will be available until the end of the current period.

It is possible to cancel a subscription immediately by sending the cancel_now attribute as true on body payload, this will set the cancels_at attribute to the current date. When the subscription is canceled immediately, the customer will not be able to use the service anymore.

The status attribute will be updated to canceled and the is_active attribute will be updated to false.

To cancel a subscription, you need to use the API endpoint POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/cancel.


If the subscription is not active, the cancel operation will be ignored.

Example of a request to cancel a subscription:

"cancel": true, // required
"cancel_now": true // forces the subscription to be canceled immediately

To cancel a subscription in the end of the current period, just send "cancel": true on body payload.

After success cancellation, the subscription object will be returned with the new status and cancellation dates:

"data": {
"object": "ServicePackageSubscription",
"id": "pEGXxmeyPkq25wlM",
"uuid": "9aa9a225-25b4-41ab-a740-8fd8109e3673",
"ulid": "01hfqv74jc3dv1ktbmxkss6y7m",
"tag": "86x5wyg8",
"name": "Streaming Plus #1 - 86x5wyg8 #1",
"package_id": "ap4Ay1noRevqJDx7",
"subscriber_id": "gAGqOrnN9ye3o5N2",
"service_type": "meet",
"status": "canceled",
"is_active": false,
"starts_at": "2023-11-21T02:26:44.000000Z",
"ends_at": "2023-12-21T02:26:44.000000Z",
"cancels_at": "2023-12-21T02:26:44.000000Z",
"canceled_at": "2024-01-31T16:35:28.000000Z"
// ...

Only the date part of date attributes is considered, the time part will always be ignored.