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Customers are the top-level entities in the system. Customers can have multiple accounts. Customers own accounts and rooms. They represent a billable party, like a business or person and each customer can have multiple users associated with it.

Create a customer for every new person or business that you want to allocate any resource. When you create a new customer, a minimal profile information is needed to help system manage data with more useful insights. After you set up your customer, you can create accounts for them start using the platform.

Customer Profile

When you create a new customer, you can set their account and billing information, such as Email, Name, and Country. You can also set a customer’s preferred language, currency, and other important details that will be used throughout the platform.

The customer profile is the first step in creating a new customer. You can set the customer’s name, email, and country. You can also set the customer’s preferred language and currency as well other important details that will be used throughout the platform.

Minimum Customer Profile

The system use the basic customer profile for account and services management and also as a lightweight customer relationship management (CRM) system. To create a minimal customer profile, set these properties:

When creating a new customer, minimal profile information is required to help the system manage the data with more useful information. After setting up the client, you can create accounts to start using the platform.

  • Customer Type: The type of customer. This can be either a business or a person.
  • First Name: The customer’s first name or main contact name.
  • Last Name: The customer’s last name or main contact name.
  • Email: The customer’s email address. This is the primary identifier for the customer and is used to log in to the platform.
  • Company Name: The customer’s company name (if applicable).
  • Country: The customer’s country.
  • Currency: The customer’s preferred currency.
  • Password: The customer’s password. This is used to log in to the platform.
  • Status: The customer’s status. This can be either active or inactive.

Extended Customer Profile

As part of customer management, the platform may store additional information about the customer such as phone numbers, legal documents, addresses, and more. This information can be used to provide a more complete profile, allowing you to relate new data according to the convenience and need of the business.

The following properties are part of the extended customer profile:

  • Telephones: The customer's phone numbers. You can associate different types and quantities of phones with the customer. See Telephone for more information.
  • Legal Documents: The client's legal documents. This can be used to identify the customer as a legal entity in different jurisdictions. See Legal Document for more information.
  • Addresses: The customer's addresses. You can associate different types and quantities of addresses with the customer. See Address for more information.
  • Settings: The client's settings. It is used to store additional information about the customer. See Customer Settings for more information.
  • Metadata: The client's metadata. Used to store additional information or third-party data, such as a customer ID from a CRM system or billing system. See Customer Metadata for more information.

Customer Properties

A customer is a top-level entity in the system. Customers have a set of properties that define them. This section describes the properties of the Customer entity.

Customer Attributes

Below a list of the main attributes of the Customer entity.


For more information about how to set and use customers attributes, refer to the API Reference.

tenant_idstring(not in use)"456"
emailstring"[email protected]"
company_namestring"Example Ltd."
allowed_domains_originsarray of strings["", ""]
allowed_domains_registrationarray of strings["", ""]
customer_settingsobject{ "setting1": "value1", "setting2": "value2" }
customer_metadataobject{ "metadata1": "value1", "metadata2": "value2" }


A universally unique identifier.


Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier.

External ID

The external_id is a unique identifier of the customer in another system. This can be used to identify the customer on a third-party system, such as a CRM or billing system.

Tenant ID

The tenant_id is used to identify the tenant of customer belongs to.

Not in use at moment.

Customer Key

The customer_key is a short unique string that can be used to identify the customer uniquely across all customers. This attribute can be useful for other uses due to its characteristics such as uniqueness and randomness, for example, as an encryption key or salt.

A use case is the subdomain generation. The platform uses the customer_key to generate a unique subdomain for the customer, like https://customer-subdomain-<customer_key>

Customer Prefix

The customer_prefix is non-unique short string that can be used to personalize any customer related data, example: prefixing invoices numbers, quotes, etc.


The status of the customer. Depending on the status value, some resources or operations can be restricted.

To understand customer status and its behavior, see the table below.

activeActive customers can use there resources and access the platform.
inactiveInactive customers can't use there resources and access the platform.
suspendedSuspended customers can't create or allocate new resources, but can access the platform.
terminatedTerminated customers will have all related data flagged as inactive and available for deletion.


The email is the main email address of the customer. This is used for communication and as the primary identifier of the customer.


Tha platform uses customer's email address as the primary identifier and forward in the customer user owner. So it is imperative that you use a valid and unique email address for each customer.

First Name

The first_name is used to identify the main contact of the customer.

Last Name

The last_name is used to identify the main contact of the customer.

Company Name

The company_name is used to identify the customer company name. If the customer_type is related to a business, this attribute is required.

Customer Type

The customer_type is used to identify the type of customer. The platform supports two types of customers:

  • business: A business/corporation customer.
  • personal: A person/personal customer.


The hostname can be used to set a custom domain for the customer. This can be used to set a custom domain for the customer's public links and brand. The hostname must be a valid domain name and must be unique across all customers.


The subdomain can be used to set a custom subdomain for the customer. This can be used to set a custom subdomain for the customer's public links and brand.

Subdomains have your TLD defined by the platform URL. For example, if the platform URL is, the subdomain will be

This attribute can be set upn customer creation and needs to be unique across all customers. If not set, the platform will generate a unique subdomain based on Customer company_name or first_name and last_name.


The country code used by the customer. The country code must be a valid two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2).


The currency code used by the customer. The currency code must be a valid three-letter currency code (ISO 4217).


The delinquent can be used to set a customer as delinquent.

Not implemented yet.

Allowed Domains Origins

The allowed_domains_origins is a list of origin domains allowed for the customer. This is used for CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) requests and can be used to restrict the domains that can access the customer's resources.

For example, if the customer has a website at, you can set allowed_domains_origins to [""] to allow the website to access the customer's resources.


For more information about CORS, see Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).


Since the allowed_domains_origins attribute is simply a key-value store (object), all write operations will overwrite the entire object, so be sure to merge existing data on your end when performing updates.

Allowed Domains Registration

The allowed_domains_registration is a list of domains allowed for User creation or association. This is used to restrict the domains that can be used to create or associate users to the customer.

For example, if a Customer has the domain and you want to allow only users with email addresses from to be created or associated with the customer, you can set allowed_domains_registration to [""]. If you want to allow users with email addresses from and, you can set allowed_domains_registration to ["", ""].


Since the allowed_domains_registration attribute is simply a key-value store (object), all write operations will overwrite the entire object, so be sure to merge existing data on your end when performing updates.

Customer Settings

The customer_settings is set of key-value pairs that can be used to store additional information about the customer.


See Customer Settings for more information.

Customer Metadata

The customer_metadata is a set of key-value pairs that can attached to a customer. This can be useful for storing additional information or third-party data, such as a customer ID from a CRM system or billing system.


See Customer Metadata for more information.

Customer Settings

The customer_settings is a key-value pairs that store additional structured data used by the platform to configure additional information about the customer as part of the extended customer profile information.


customer_settings attribute only recognize predefined keys. Any other key will be ignored.

At moment, the platform supports the following settings:

No settings supported at moment.


Some customer_settings properties can be set by top-level properties upon Customer creation. Please refer to API reference guide for more information.


Since the customer_settings attribute is simply a key-value store (object), all write operations will overwrite the entire object, so be sure to merge existing data on your end when performing updates.

Customer Metadata

The customer_metadata is a set of key-value pairs that can attached to a customer. This can be useful for storing additional information or third-party data, such as a customer ID from a CRM system or billing system.

The metadata is stored as a JSON object. The keys are strings and the values can be strings, numbers, booleans, or null.


customer_metadata['external_billing_id']string123Third-party billing id
customer_metadata['external_crm_id']string456Third-party CRM id

You may store any scalar value (string, integer, float, boolean, etc.) inside the metadata attribute. In addition, one level of nested objects or arrays are allowed.


Since the customer_metadata attribute is simply a key-value store (object), all write operations will overwrite the entire object, so be sure to merge existing data on your end when performing updates.


The customer address is the customer’s physical address. This is used to calculate taxes and shipping costs. The address can be set to the same as the billing address or can be set to a different address.

Address Attributes

At the moment, the following attributes are supported:

address_typestringThe type of address. Can be PostalAddress or BillingAddress.PostalAddress
defaultbooleanWhether the address is the default address for the customer.true
countrystringThe country where the address is located. Two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2).US
statestringThe state where the address is located.CA
postal_codestringThe postal code of the address.94107
citystringThe city where the address is located.San Francisco
address_line1stringThe first line of the address.123 Market St
address_line2stringThe second line of the address.Suite 101
po_boxstringThe PO Box of the address.PO Box 123
building_numberstringThe building number of the address.123
complementstringThe complement of the address.Apt 101


The customer telephone is the customer’s telephone number. This is used to contact the customer. The telephone can can be two types, landline or mobile.

Telephone Attributes

At the moment, the following attributes are supported:

defaultbooleanWhether the telephone is the default telephone for the customer.true
telephone_typestringThe type of telephone. Can be landline or mobile.landline
numberstringThe telephone number.+1 415 555 1234
telephone_extensionstringThe telephone extension.123

The legal document is any legal documents or legal information that can be associated with the customer. This can be used to store any legal data that can be used to identify or verify the customer as a legal entity on different jurisdictions.

  • Type: The type of legal document. See all types available in the Legal Document types.
  • Country: The country where the tax identification number was issued.
  • Value: The tax identification number.
  • Issued Date: The date when the tax identification number was issued.

Supported Types

Currently, the platform supports the following legal document types in the following regions:

Austriaeu_vatEuropean VAT numberATU12345678
Belgiumeu_vatEuropean VAT numberBE0123456789
Brazilbr_cpfBrazilian CPF number123.456.789-87
Brazilbr_cnpjBrazilian CNPJ number01.234.456/5432-10
Bulgariaeu_vatEuropean VAT numberBG123456789

The system don't verify the validity of the tax identification number, It's just enforce a format validation. This can't be used as final proof of identity.

Generic Type

In addition to the legal document types listed above, the platform also supports store legal documents as any document related to the entity as contracts, agreements, etc.

For this, you can use the value property to store any information related, such as contract number, service order number and etc, and inform in type the value other.

Customers Users

Customers can have multiple users associated with them. Each customer can have only one owner defined. As default, the owner is the user who was created with the customer or first associated upon creation by the administrator.

Customer users can have different permissions associated with them. The permissions define what the user can with the customer and its resources and are define individually for each customer user, given the flexibility to define different permissions for different users.

Inviting Users to a Customer

There is two ways to grant access to new users:

Invited by Customer Owner

Customer owner can grant access to other users to manage the customer data. The customer owner can also define the permissions of each user, allowing or restricting access to determined resources.

To grant access to new users, Customer owner can send an invitation to the user email address. The invited user will receive an email with a link for accept the invitation, if they don't have an account, they will be able to create one. After the user accept the invitation, they will be able to access the customer data and perform actions according to the permissions defined for the user.

Associated by Platform Administrator

The platform administrator can also associate users to customers. The platform administrator can define the permissions of each user, allowing or restricting access to determined resources. Administrators can direct associate existing users to customers or invite new users to the platform and associate them to customers.


Please refer to the Users section for more information about users.

Customer Limits and Quotas

Any customer can have limits and quotas set on it. These limits and quotas are used to control the resource usage by the customer, enforcing restrictions in determined resources like the number of accounts, participants, the duration of the room, the storage used, etc. You can use this limits as part of billing or subscription plans.


Customer limits and quotas are managed through Subscriptions.

Customers Management

Administrators can manage accounts through the administration API. The platform administrator with the right permissions can create, edit, and delete customers. The platform administrator can also list customers and view account details.


To see all API operations related to customer, please refer to the Customer API section.

Customer Creation

Creating a new customer is the first step in using the platform. When you create a new customer, you can set their account and billing information, such as Email, Name, and Country. You can also set a customer’s preferred language, currency, and other important details that will be used throughout the platform.

Customer creation can be only performed authenticated administrators with the right permissions through the API. The POST /customers endpoint is used to create a new customer.


No frontend interface or public form is provided by the platform, but you can create your own form and use the API to create customers or integrate with your own CRM or billing system.

Customer Owner

When a new customer is created, a new user based on the customer profile is also created. This user becomes the customer owner, with each customer having only a single user owner, as the same occurs for account creation. This owner user has full permissions to manage the customer data.

If a user already exists with the same email address as the customer, the user will be associated with the customer and become the owner user.

For change the customer owner, associate a new user to the customer and set the owner attribute to true.

Customers List

Customers list can be performed by authenticated administrators with the right permissions through the API with the GET /customers endpoint.

Customers Details

Customer details can be performed by authenticated administrators with the right permissions through the API with the GET /customers/{customer_id} endpoint.

Customer Users

Customer users can be managed by authenticated administrators with the right permissions through the API with the GET /customers/{customer_id}/users endpoint.

Customer Editing

Editing a customer can be performed by authenticated administrators with the right permissions through the API with the PATCH /customers/{customer_id} endpoint.

Customer Deletion

data loss prevention

To prevent accidental deletion, only customers with status set to terminated can be deleted.

Deleting a customer can be performed by authenticated administrators with the right permissions through the API with the DELETE /customers/{customer_id} endpoint.

When deleting a customer, all data associated with this customer will be deleted, including accounts, rooms, and any other data like recordings, reports, etc.


Deleting a customer will delete all accounts, rooms, and data associated with the customer. This action can't be undone.